
Key ETA suspect is held in France
A suspected military leader of the Basque separatist group ETA has been arrested in France. Gorka Palacios Alday was held in a dawn raid in the small village of Lons, near Pau in south-west France. French anti-terrorism officers also detained another three suspected ETA members, and seized false identity papers and weapons during the raid.
Been a bad year to be a ETA member.
French police described Palacios, 29, as the armed group’s "number one" following the recapture last week of Ibon Fernandez Iradi, ETA’s suspected military chief. Palacios is wanted for a series of bombings in Spain and he also appears on a list of wanted "terrorists" drawn up by the United States and the European Union. He has also been named as a suspect in the shooting of a Spanish colonel in October 2000.
Posted by: Steve 2003-12-09