
Basra revenge killings increase
Revenge killings have been increasing in Iraq’s second city, Basra. The southern province has seen a sharp rise in the number of former Baath Party members being gunned down.
Tap, tap, tap..That’s funny, not only the surprise meter, but the sympathy gauge seems to be broken as well.
Basra coalition forces have not been targeted to the same extent as in central Iraq, but the crime rate is high with murder a daily occurrence. It seems the killings are targeting anyone from the previous regime, and not only senior figures connected with ousted leader Saddam Hussein.
Payback’s a bitch, ain’t it?
While day to day life in Basra continues unhindered there is an undercurrent of fear with the daily news that another person has been killed or kidnapped.
Only if you were a former member of the regime.
Police officials say that in the past few weeks at least 20 former Baath Party members have been murdered. In some instances the killers have left signs around the victim’s neck denouncing him as a Baathist. The attacks have been blamed on tribal feuds and the jostling for power within the city.
Local people also accuse a number of Islamic organisations but no one is willing to openly point the finger. So far no one has been arrested.
It needs to be stopped, but it’s way down my list of things to do.
Posted by: Steve 2003-12-09