
EU protection for Ayaan Hirsi Ali sought
"Beautiful, bright and brazen, famous for her radical criticism of Islam, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, 38, is back in Europe. This Dutch woman of Somali origins is currently living in the United States where she hopes to resolve the problem of her protection. ... Up until September 2007, the Dutch State continued to ensure her safety, but only wants to continue to do so if she returns to national territory", explains Sabine Cessou, as European members of parliament, French intellectuals, the daily newspaper 'Liberation' and the weekly 'Charlie Hebdo' are organising a gathering to support her this February 10th in Paris. "It is [French philosopher] Bernard Henri-Levy who had the idea of a meeting ... . The next step will be taken in the European Parliament on February 14th. Several European deputies ... are going to propose that Brussels pay for the protection of this free-thinker."
Posted by: ryuge 2008-02-08