
Whining and seething because Jews for Haman is in hot water
EFL lest people get sick - Induhmedia; watch foir BIAS! Scroll down, if you can stomach it. Hat tip LGF.
Israel IMC is being villified, harassed, and investigated under charges of anti-semitism. They have asked for help securing web hosting at a site outside of Israel, so they’ll be less open to attack from Israeli authorities.
To introduce with my own opinion/commentary:
The ugly truth is that both
(a) antisemitism exists and people legitimately raising that concern are often wrongly villified and attacked
(b) antisemitism is unjustly used by individuals, groups, and authorities to chill and silent legitimate and much needed criticism of the unjust acts of violence and opression done by the state of Israel.
"We need to die off."
This latest news is a really ugly instance of the latter, done by Israeli police. Here’s the story, posted on a global Indymedia discussion forum:

The Israeli company who provided us with space on their server (Actcom) has recieved very threatening phone calls to their homes and offices in regard to a cartoon by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff showing Sharon and Hitler kissing. Further, a police investigation has been started against us in regard to this cartoon, accusing us of incitement.
"We are PISSED to 25 that they saw this for what it is!"
The news about this has been all over the Israeli media. (Ma’ariv, Ynet,
etc.) They are accusing us of anti-semitism and incitment. One article even goes so far as to say that the red color of the cartoon background signifies blood and is therefore violent (red and black are also the color of the Nazi flag, and for that matter red is the color of the red flag of the Left). This is a ridiculous accusation. (http://www.nfc.co.il/archive/001-D-35615-00.html) The articles in the media accuse Indymedia of publishing the cartoon. It is obvious that they have no understanding of what open-publishing is. The article was published without our involvement whatsoever, by the cartoonist himself in Brazil. We did not publish it and we did not put it as a feature.
*Twang!* "Damn that harp! Busted again!"
Posted by: Atrus 2003-12-09