
Commander Robot Now A Peg-Leg
Captured Abu Sayyaf leader Ghalib Andang is recuperating at V. Luna Hospital after his left leg was amputated late Tuesday night, the military said Wednesday.
OK, so they separated the mangled, gangrenous leg from the rest of the body - now - which section did they discard????
Lt. Col. Daniel Lucero, Armed Forces spokesman, said the left leg of Andang alias Commander Robot had to be removed because it had become gangrenous. Gangrene is the decay of a human organ due to blood loss. This decay or infection could spread to other parts of the body.
Which might not have been such a bad thing - sort of like - giving God a sort of headstart of "sorting them all out" at his end
"It [Andang’s left leg] could not be saved and it had become infectious," Lucero said. Lucero said military orthopedic surgeons decided to cut off Robot’s left leg around 11 p.m. Tuesday. The operation lasted until 3 a.m. Wednesday.
Hey, I’ve got an idea - let’s amputate his left leg - at the neck
One of the surgeons, Dr. Rafael Region, said Robot may suffer secondary infection after the operation.
Even more reason to take out a few more - say 85 or 95 - centimeters of "questionable tissue" north of his leg
Lucero said Robot will undergo psychological counselling to relieve him of the trauma of losing his leg.
They’re erecting a gallows as this is written, and they’re worried about his psychological reaction to losing his leg????
Amid fears that half the population of the Philippines - that is, all above nine years of age Abu Sayyaf sympathizers may attempt to silence him, Robot has been placed under tight security, Lucero said.
Otherwise, of course (this being the Philippines, and with Christmas coming and all) he might have been placed on unspervised work release
Meanwhile, United States Ambassador to the Philippines Francis Ricciardone said Washington does not want to take custody of all of Andang just the "juicy bits". He said the U.S. will be closely monitoring Andang’s case to make sure he is punished for his crimes. Lucero said Andang has to face the charges against him despite his physical condition. "The court will have to decide if his physical condition will mitigate the charges against him," Lucero told Magandang Umaga Bayan.
OK, so, the gallows will have to have an escalator
The AFP said it will use Andang’s arrest to lead to other Abu Sayyaf bandits, saying it would “squeeze everything they could out of”
’Sorta like toothpaste being squeezed out of thetube?
him, especially the identities of officials or civilians who are or have been protecting the bandits.
Oops! Well, scratch that gallows escalator - something tells me that old Andang might not make it to trial - or even to interrogation. ’Happy dirt-nap, buddy.
Posted by: Lone Ranger 2003-12-09