
Ben & Jerry's founders endorse Obama
Our favorite cholesterol armed revolutionaries are at it again:
BURLINGTON, Vt. - The founders of Ben & Jerry's endorsed Barack Obama on Monday, and lent his Vermont campaign two "ObamaMobiles" that will tour the state and give away scoops of "Cherries for Change" ice cream.

"If there was ever a need for real change, and if there ever was a candidate to inspire us and make that happen, it's now," said Ben Cohen.
I value Ben's opinion almost as much as I do that of Sharon Stone, Jerry's somewhat less. Or is it the other way around? Or was Sharon first? Damn. I can never remember.
Added Jerry Greenfield: "Barack is showing that when you lead with your values and follow what you have inside that good things will happen."

Echoing Obama, Greenfield said he and Cohen succeeded when they opened their ice cream shop 30 years ago in Burlington by doing things differently, instead of copying the "tired ways" of doing business. "What we saw is that when you want real change it's not a marketing slogan. You have to do things differently. And that is not going to be done by someone who's been involved in the system for years and years," Greenfield said. "It needs to come from inside and Barack Obama has it."

Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., and his wife joined the ice cream duo to announce their radio campaign backing the Illinois senator. Cohen initially supported John Edwards, who dropped out of the race earlier this month.

Rob Hill, director of the Vermonters for Obama campaign, said he looked forward to getting behind the wheel of one of the two ObamaMobiles — retrofitted Honda Elements.

More B&J flavors of the day:

“Moonbat Mocha” “Commie Crunch” “Lefty licorice” “Soros Surprise” "Che-Che Cherry" “Trotsky Ice-Picnic”

Reminds me for some reason of one of Johnny Carson’s “answer and question” skits:

A. Blood, sweat, and tears.

Q. What are the three least favorite flavors at Baskin Robbins?

Posted by: Atomic Conspiracy 2008-02-19