
Hillary Clinton: Hunter
I guess we can add this to lifelong Yankee fan, and frustrated Marine wannabe...
WAUSAU, WIS. -- At a campaign stop this afternoon, Hillary Clinton’s focus was on the economy and health care but some in the crowd had other things on their minds. Clinton was asked to discuss gun control which prompted Clinton to talk about her days holding a rifle in the cold, shallow waters in backwoods Arkansas.
Oh, yes. I just love it. Can't get enough of it.
“I’ve hunted. My father taught me how to hunt. I went duck hunting in Arkansas. I remember standing in that cold water, so cold, at first light. I was with a bunch of my friends, all men. The sun’s up, the ducks are flying and they are playing a trick on me. They said, ‘we’re not going to shoot, you shoot.’ They wanted to embarrass me. The pressure was on. So I shot, and I shot a banded duck and they were surprised as I was,” Clinton said drawing laughter from the crowd.
And then I fell to my knees and begged Mother Gaia's forgiveness! Nah, not really. That parts's fake. But the hunting part? True. True, true, true. Yes sirrreee. Nothing better then getting out there in the freezing cold and blasting away at something. Anything.
Clinton’s story led one older gentleman to say, “As long as you know how to use a gun, would you be willing to show Vice President Cheney how to use his?” Both Clinton and the crowd erupted in laughter.
Hello..Yes, sir. Hello, Mr. Vice President. How are you, sir?
Johnson, get that man's name.
Right away, Mr. Vice President...

“That was good, that was really good,” Clinton said. “You know I couldn’t believe that, I really thought that I have gotten over being totally outraged by the Bush Administration.”
Oh, god. I have to come up here and kiss a bunch of redneck yahoo's asses with hunting stories...this had better be fuckin worth it.
Clinton continued, “Once he (Cheney) is out of office, the Secret Service is not around to protect people from him. We better be careful about where he goes hunting. Safety protocol would be useful, don’t’ you think?”
How would you know?
Later Clinton was asked whether her daughter Chelsea would run for president in eight years following a Hillary Clinton presidency, to which an amused Clinton said, “Oh no, no, no.”
If I get in, she won't have to run. We'll do it like Fidel in Cuba. Oh, shit, did I just say that? But, ya know, I think Chelsea loves hunting even more then I do...
Posted by: tu3031 2008-02-19