
'Iran defying UN ban on enrichment'
Iran is defying a UN ban on uranium enrichment and rejects allegations that it had tried to make nuclear arms, accusing the US and its allies of fabricating information to back up such claims, the International Atomic Energy said Friday.

At the same time, Teheran has cooperated in other areas of an IAEA probe, leading the agency to put to rest for now suspicions that several past experiments and activities were linked to a weapons program, said an agency report.

Specifically, the 11-page report obtained by The Associated Press suggested the agency was satisfied with answers provided by Iran on the origin of traces of enriched uranium in a military facility; experiments with polonium, which can also be used in a weapons program; and purchases on the nuclear black market.

It said that in those areas information given by Teheran is either "consistent with its findings (or) ... not inconsistent with its findings," suggesting it was content for now with explanations that these activities were not weapons-related.

Posted by: Fred 2008-02-23