
Ahmadinejad: US Should Apologize to Iran
Perhaps we have the CIA write up this apology.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called on the U.S. and its allies Saturday to "apologize" to Iran for accusing it of seeking nuclear weapons—a day after the U.N. nuclear watchdog released its latest report on Iran's atomic program.
Ahmadinejad said the report by the International Atomic Energy Agency vindicated Iran and warned that Tehran would take unspecified "reciprocal measures" against any country that imposed additional sanctions against Iran.

The IAEA report said several past questions about Iran's nuclear program had been resolved, but highlighted Tehran's continued refusal to halt uranium enrichment.

Ahmadinejad said in a televised address to the nation that the best way for the U.S. and its allies to "compensate for their mistakes" is to "apologize and pay compensation."

"If they continue" pursuing sanctions, he said, "we have definitely drawn up reciprocal measures." Ahmadinejad did not elaborate.
Posted by: gorb 2008-02-23