
Blast shakes Tabriz (Iranian WMD center)
An explosion shook the nortwestern Iranian city of Tabriz on Monday, but the cause of the blast and whether there were any casualties were not immediately clear, the semi-official Fars news agency reported.

Fars said the blast occurred shortly after mid-day and was felt across the city.
According to Global Security, Tabriz is a missile production center and "has also been reported as a possible site of a nuclear weapons research facility of unspecified nature and provenance."

"As of 11 April 2000, Russian 2-meter resolution KVR-1000 imagery coverage was not available via the SPIN-2 service on TerraServer, nor was archived Space Imaging IKONOS 1-meter imagery of this facility available on the CARTERRA™ Archive."

Posted by: Atomic Conspiracy 2008-02-25