
Krauthammer: Killing Him Softly
Another superb column by Dr. Krauthammer. Just the first bits here.
The race is over. The Oscar for Best Documentary, Short Subject, goes to . . . "Saddam’s Dental Exam."

Screenplay: 1st Brigade, U.S. 4th Infantry Division.

Producer: P. Bremer Enterprises, Baghdad.

Director: The anonymous genius at U.S. headquarters who chose this clip as the world’s first view of Saddam Hussein in captivity.

In the old days the conquered tyrant was dragged through the streets behind the Roman general’s chariot. Or paraded shackled before a jeering crowd. Or, when more finality was required, had his head placed on a spike on the tower wall.

Iraq has its own ways. In the revolution of 1958, Prime Minister Nuri Said was caught by a crowd and murdered, and his body was dragged behind a car through the streets of Baghdad until there was nothing left but half a leg.

We Americans don’t do it that way. Instead, we show Saddam Hussein — King of Kings, Lion of the Tigris, Saladin of the Arabs — compliantly opening his mouth like a child to the universal indignity of an oral (and head lice!) exam. Docility wrapped in banality. Brilliant. Nothing could have been better calculated to demystify the all-powerful tyrant.
More at the link. Watching Saddam take the tongue blade without complaint is going to do more to demoralize the jihadis than just about anything else we do.
Posted by: Steve White 2003-12-19