
Bush hater also hates Dean
Jonathan Chait
...I realize that there is a certain irony here. Earlier this year I wrote a piece for TNR [The New Republic] that defended hatred of President Bush. (I argued that hating Bush may lead to irrationality — rooting against the capture of Saddam Hussein, or, say, nominating Howard Dean — but it’s not irrational in and of itself.) But recently I’m finding that Dean hatred is crowding out Bush hatred in my mental space... Bush is like the next-door neighbor who lets his dog poop on your lawn and his kid shoot bb’s at your house and who says something irritating to you every day on his way to work. Dean, on the other hand, is like the ne’er-do-well who’s dating your daughter. You realize the neighbor is a worse person than the boyfriend, but the boyfriend (and the frightening prospect that he’ll become your son-in-law) consumes more of your attention...
The writer kindly provides a chronicle of his own descent into madness. Could be a nobel prize for literature except that Tennessee Williams already did it.
Posted by: mhw 2003-12-19