
Koreans Rally Against Nukes
Well, against nukes in South Korea:
Pyongyang, December 19 (KCNA) -- The Puan County People’s Measure Committee for Foiling the Plan to Build Nuclear Waste Dumping Ground and Eliminating Nuclear Power Plant, the "National People’s Solidarity" and the People’s Action against Nukes in south Korea reportedly held a rally of the residents in Puan demanding peace and existence against nukes in front of the Fishermen’s Cooperative in Puan County on December 13. The rally was attended by at least 20,000 people including residents of the county, workers, farmers and students from other regions of south Korea.
Tan Pyong Ho, chairman of the (south) Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, and Kim Je Nam, secretary general of the Green Federation, made speeches there. They reiterated the need to continue the struggle till the construction plan is completely cancelled, saying that the "government" agreed to conduct an opinion poll in face of the strong protest and denunciation of people from all walks of life but has not yet given up the plan to build the nuclear waste dumping ground.
Fr. Mun Kyu Hyon who has been on sit-in hunger strike in front of the cooperative office for the last more than 30 consecutive days called for joining efforts to frustrate the plan to build a nuclear waste dumping ground and build a beautiful society free from nukes, asserting that nuke means death and no nukes should be allowed to exist on this land.
A resolution adopted at the rally demanded the "government" authorities immediately cancel the plan, contending that the struggle against the building of the ground should not be limited to an action of the residents in Puan only but be a regionwide struggle. At the end of the rally, the participants held the 141st candlelight rally in protest against the building of the ground.
Guess only North Koreans can be trusted with nukes.
Posted by: Steve 2003-12-19