
Ayman sez he’s got us on the run ...
Arabic television al Jazeera on Friday aired an audio tape purportedly from al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahri, saying the United States was defeated in Afghanistan and his group was chasing Americans everywhere, including the United States.
Whoa! There they go now!
"America has been defeated (by) our fighters despite all its military might, its weaponry... With Gods help we are still chasing Americans and their allies everywhere, including their homeland," said the speaker who sounded like Zawahri, al Qaeda’s second in command. Zawahri’s warning came as a U.S. intelligence official said U.S. authorities were studying a terror threat to New York City and were "very concerned" by the volume of threats to U.S. interests at home and overseas.
Brave words from a man who lives in a cave. So how’s the IRGC treating you these days, Ayman?
Posted by: Dan Darling 2003-12-19