
Bush Declares 2nd Circuit Judges ’Enemy Combatants’

(2003-12-19) -- In the wake of yesterday’s decision by a U.S. 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals panel ordering the government either to release accused dirty bomber Jose Padilla or to try him in civilian court, President George Bush today declared two judges on the Court to be ’enemy combatants’.

The judges, who both ruled against the Bush administration in Padilla v. Rumsfeld, have been flown to the U.S. military detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

"These judges are a threat to our freedoms and our way of life," said Mr. Bush in a brief written statement. "In the war on terror, the battlefield has no boundaries and we can’t wait until there’s an imminent threat to executive privilege before taking action."

The judges will be held incommunicado for an unspecified period, or until the Supreme Court overturns the Circuit Court ruling. The prisoners of war will, of course, receive daily visits from a Muslim chaplain."
Check out Scott Ott’s other offerings today - especially the article about Saddam being entitled to unsupervised visits ala Hinckley.
Posted by: mercutio 2003-12-19