
Set a thief to catch a thief?
From LGF:

Israel Law Center Director Nitsana Darshan-Leitner has written a letter to Attorney General John Ashcroft, warning that the Palestinian put in charge of investigating the Gaza roadside bombing that killed 3 Americans in October—Rashid Abu Shabak—is probably the perpetrator.
In her letter, Darshan-Leitner writes: “It is a disgraceful that the individual assigned by the Palestinian Authority to investigate the murders of Branchizio, Linde and Parsons is himself a leading terrorist suspected of numerous other roadside bombings in Gaza. If the United States is sincere about making arrests then it must not tolerate Rashid Abu Shabak heading up this crucial inquiry. The similarities between the October 15th roadside bombing and the roadside bombing of the Kfar Darom school bus in November 2000 cannot be ignored. We urge the Department of Justice to initiate its own investigation of Abu Shabak and his role in prior Gaza terror attacks, some of which have seriously injured American citizens.” ...

According to the Shurat HaDin letter, Abu Shabak, a protege of Palestinian leader Mohammed Dahlan, has an extensive terrorist past. Abu Shabak, along with Dahlan are the leading suspects in several other

Posted by: mercutio 2003-12-19