
Welch to Egyptopress: "Your moral compass has gone crazy!"
From LGF - EFL:
US Ambassador to Egypt David Welch confronted journalists from Egypt’s government-approved rabidly anti-American newspaper Al-Ahram Weekly, and was wonderfully, unusually blunt and honest for an American diplomat. Here is the exchange immediately following a lengthy whine from the reporters on the “humiliation” to which all Arabs were subjected by the televised medical examination of Saddam Hussein: Close encounter with a US diplomat. (Hat tip: Baldy.)
Khalil: Then why were the Americans up in arms when the Iraqis showed US POWs on TV? You said POWs should not be treated this way. Why are you doing that now -- isn’t he a POW?

Welch: Yes, there is a difference. Look at Saddam Hussein. I cannot believe you guys are defending this guy.

... snip ...

Nyier Abdou: Whether or not you want to call it abuse, there certainly is a distinction between showing somebody in this manner and showing them in a more dignified way. I think what makes people angry is that the US fails to see how this kind of imagery will inflame people, and that they do it anyway, and that’s what really makes people angry. It is a misunderstanding of what is going to convince people.

Welch: I think your moral compass has gone crazy. I think you should be looking at the Iraqi people and their reaction to this. Your reaction puzzles me to be honest. Can we move on because this is boring...
Diplomacy was once describe as the art of saying "Nice doggy" whilst looking for a big rock. I think Welch has a pocketful of stones.
Posted by: Mercutio 2003-12-19