
Yemen: 2 stabbing incidents of foreigners cause concern
Security sources told Yemen Times that two incidents of stabbing foreigners by [using] traditional Janbiyas and running away have started to cause concern. A Dutch tourist was stabbed last Monday while touring Bab Al-Yaman’s traditional market along with a tourist group, while another German walking alone in Al-Tahreer in the middle of the city was also stabbed on Tuesday and this culprit was also able to escape. Despite intensive efforts by security men, the offenders, who may be the same person have not been arrested. It is hoped that these incidents would only remain as separate insignificant events, especially as the injuries of the two men were not life threatening.
I'll bet they considered the incidents significant, though.
However, such actions can be caused by certain groups who may attempt to damage the slowly but confidently growing tourism sector in the country.
"How'd you like your tour of Yemen, Herb?"
"Wow, Bob! You shoulda been there! I got slashed with a jambiyah and Mildred was kidnapped and held for ransom!"
"Cheeze. We went to the Caymans again. They weren't nearly as exciting. All I got was this stoopid conch shell."
This comes in a time a Spanish media and tourist delegation of more than 50 members was visiting the country.
"And if you'll look out the window to our right, you'll see the traditional Yemeni eye-rolling and jumping up and down ceremony. This has religious significance and its origins are believed to date back at least to 1998..."
What is also of concern to the authorities is the use of the traditional jambiyas in the attacks, which brings to question the claim that they these daggers are merely traditional costumes and not weapons. But the use of jambiyas may be the alternative to regular light weapons which have been reduced in number in Sanaa after a ban issued by the government years ago. Furthermore, the fact that the two incidents happened in extremely busy areas in the center of the city is also worrying for the authorities, which are exerting great efforts to bring the culprits to justice.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-12-20