
Bad guys tried for Bremer
The top US administrator in Iraq, Paul L. Bremer [sic] escaped unharmed when his convoy struck an explosive device and came under fire in the capital of Baghdad on December 6, according to NBC News. The station said Thursday that Bremer was returning from the Baghdad airport when his convoy ran into an explosive device and his personal armored vehicle took small arms fire. The convoy managed to speed away and no one was hurt in the incident. The incident, which took place on the same day US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld arrived in Baghdad, was not reported to the media by Bremer's Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA), the report further said.
If Bremer'd been hurt, it would have been reported. And I imagine there will be many more attempts in the coming weeks. We've got Sammy, after all...

Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-12-20