
Annan presses Burma to get to work on democracy
United Nations secretary-general Kofi Annan has urged Burma's military rulers to quickly invite his special envoy to visit so he can help the reclusive south-east Asian nation get to work on a promised shift toward democracy. Mr Annan said he was encouraged by Burmese Foreign Minister Win Aung's pledge at a meeting in Bangkok to embark on a seven-step "road map to democracy" next year by reconvening a constitution-drafting national convention that has been suspended since 1996. In a statement read by his spokesman, Fred Eckhard, the UN chief said he was also encouraged by Win Aung's commitment to implement the transition plan "in an all-inclusive manner". Win Aung this month pledged that all ethnic groups and political parties would be able to participate, including democracy champion and Nobel peace laureate Aung San Suu Kyi's National League for Democracy. Mr Annan wants his envoy, Malaysian Razali Ismail, "to be allowed to visit Burma as soon as possible to help facilitate the participation of all the parties concerned" in the transition process and the convention, Mr Eckhard said.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-12-20