
7 Arab Terrorists Killed in Two Counter-Terror Attacks
by Hillel Fendel

At least five Hamas terrorists were killed, and several were wounded, in an Israel Air Force counter-terrorism attack in Gaza Wedneday morning. The Israelis apparently tracked the bus in which they were traveling from the moment it set out from Jebalya in northern Gaza.

The bus was rocketed when it neared a naval outpost on the coastal road west of Khan Yunis, in close proximity to the ruins of the former Gush Katif towns of N'vei Dekalim and Shirat HaYam.

The dead and wounded terrorists were reported to be member of the Hamas Iz A-Din El-Kassam brigades.

In another incident later this morning, two Fatah terrorists were shot and killed in a battle with IDF troops in Shechem (Nablus). At least one of them had been included in the amnesty arrangement with Israel, according to which he promised to abandon terrorism.
And it worked fine, too!

Rockets at Israel
Israel was attacked with at least two Kassams on Tuesday morning; the rockets landed harmlessly in the Eshkol region of the western Negev. Some four Kassams were fired at Israel on Monday, including one that nearly cost a 10-year-old boy his arm when it landed in the yard of a home. The boy remains in moderate-to-serious condition in Barzilai Hospital in Ashkelon.
IDF forces arrested 17 wanted Arab terrorists in Judea and Samaria overnight and transferred them to the General Security Service (Shabak) for interrogation. Northwest of Hevron, one wanted terrorist was found hiding in a house in which 20 Molotov cocktail firebombs were discovered. Four terrorists were taken in Jenin, three near Bethlehem, and individual terrorists in Hizme, Silwad, Ramallah and other locations.
Posted by: anonymous5089 2008-02-29