
Great moments in opinion journalism: "Vote for Obama because he's phisically fit."
Greg Pollowitz, "Media Blog" @ National Review

An excerpt from the endorsement of Obama by the Toledo Blade:

Additionally, Mr. Obama, a younger and more physically vigorous man, will be in a far better position to push Americans into solving one of the biggest problems we face: that of an unhealthy, morbidly obese generation of young people, a health crisis that is costing the nation billions. We applaud the fact that, urged by his talented wife, Michelle, he has quit smoking. That alone should be an inspiration to millions.

And why not to vote for Clinton:

Moreover, her candidacy reminds voters of how the Clintons in effect looted the White House of expensive china, furniture, and other items when they left in January, 2001. And, if that weren't enough, they set up a gift registry to furnish their new home in New York. In contrast to such political royalism, Mr. Obama, his wife, and their two daughters live much closer to the reality of ordinary people.

Vote for Obama because he's phisically fit. Don't vote for Clinton because she's a thief.

(Via Ben Smith)
Posted by: Mike 2008-02-29