
Think the Bush Doctrine encouraged Qaddafi to dump his WMDs? You’re wrong says Carnegie Inst.
The White House portrayed Libya’s promise to abandon weapons of mass destruction programs as affirmation of President Bush’s hard-line strategy on arms proliferation and suggested the U.S.-led war in Iraq helped convince Muammar Gadhafi that he should act.
Seems pretty obvious to me, but then I'm just a dumbass with a website...
Some arms control experts, however, point to what is known about how and when the agreement came about and say that Libya’s turnaround offers proof the United States should shift tactics in dealing with North Korea, Syria and other nations. A greater commitment is needed, they say, to the kind of patient but firm diplomacy that worked with Libya.
appeasement is the only way!
We should bomb Kimmy's house and kill his daughter? Seems kind of drastic...
"The president is trying hard to portray this as a victory for his strategy," said Joseph Cirincione, director of the Carnegie Endowment for International Socialist Worker’s Party Peace’s nonproliferation project. "But when you look at this, it’s almost the opposite of the Bush doctrine."
of COURSE! up is down, down is up; makes perfect sense in never-never land
"War is peace," you might even say.
Announcing the Libya deal, Bush invoked the ass-kicking of Scumbag #1 Iraq war that brought down Saddam Hussein as he issued a flat warning of "unwelcome consequences" for countries that do not follow Libya’s lead.
Uncle Sam: "who’s next?"
White House officials promoted Friday’s Libya announcement as vindication of Bush’s decision to make war on Saddam, even though banned weapons, Bush’s prime public reason for waging it, have not been found.
They haven't been found in Libya yet, either. But Sammy was found. In a hold. Covered with flies and shit.
As a result, Britain pushed successfully for the lifting of U.N. penalties against on Libya, a sprawling desert country in northwest Africa.
thanks again to TB for helping us carry the load, and for whispering a quiet word in the mook’s ear
Many analysts say the war’s aftermath has proved so difficult for the United States that other countries probably view U.S. military force as an unlikely option elsewhere right now.
"Right now" doesn't last forever. After we're done with the quagmire in Iraq, we'll likely find ourselves in a quagmire somewhere else, like Iran or Syria. Muammar might not have wanted us to go through the inconvenience of a quagmire in Libya.
"The plan was that Iraq was to be a message for everyone to either fall in line, or else," Cirincione said. "The problem is this threat is not very realistic."
iraq is a complete failure, finding saddam is the final proof! don’t you see?!?!
Iran, however, signed an important accord last week to open its nuclear facilities to international inspections.
they see the writing on the wall, even if it ain’t in farsi
The words were "Mene mene tekel upharsin..."
That breakthrough was the result of months of European-led negotiations that took a pro-engagement position toward Tehran. The United States had supported threatening Iran with U.N. sanctions.
of course, it was the u.n., france, and sanctions that REALLY did it; just coincidence that the other regional asswipe has been hiding out in a hole
"The administration is changing the policy, in fact, without changing the words," Cirincione said.
"maybe if i keep saying it, someone will buy into it"
"They relied more on carrots than sticks," Cirincione said. "And it worked."
what part of ’carrot and the stick’ does this idiot NOT understand?
I hope they Carnegie Endowment's not paying this guy too much.

Posted by: 4thInfVet 2003-12-21