
NY times admits Bush was right
Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi’s long, strange odyssey toward international respectability took a welcome twist yesterday... that Libya had agreed to give up all efforts to develop unconventional weapons and to permit international inspections... Mr. Bush and Mr. Blair are entitled to claim a large share of the credit for Libya’s surprising announcement. To an extent that cannot be precisely measured, the fate of Saddam Hussein, who was ousted from power by the American military with British backing after endless prevaricating about Iraqi weapons programs, must have been an important consideration in Libya’s decision... This page recommended lifting American sanctions [earlier this year] ..., but President Bush left them in place...It is now clear that he was right to do so.
You were right Luke. Tell your sister you were right.

And careful where you're stepping. My jaw's down there somewhere...

Posted by: mhw 2003-12-21