
Who carried out SWA attack, Taliban ask Islamabad
The Taliban leadership in a jirga convened on Friday wanted clarification from Islamabad on who carried out Thursday’s attack on a suspected militant hideout in South Waziristan that killed 10 of their men, locals said.

“We have a complaint against [the government of] Pakistan. We have reason to ask who carried out the attack – the United States or Pakistan itself,” said Taliban commanders at a jirga of Ahmedzai Wazirs and Taliban militants in Wana’s Rustam Bazaar, according to eyewitnesses.

Military spokesman Major General Athar Abbas said Thursday’s casualties resulted from explosive material going off inside the house in Kaloosh village. Some locals, on the other hand, said a US Predator drone had fired missiles, while others said missiles had been fired from across the border.

Locals also said the dead included Afghans and Punjabis, but security officials indicated that the casualties included Arab militants.

Spoiler, warning: A tribal chieftain, Abdullah Malikkhel, said the area’s elders had been negotiating with Taliban leaders to keep foreigners out, to maintain peace, and “the efforts were due to bear fruit as the Taliban appeared to have been convinced”. Thursday’s attack had, however, “played a spoiler’s role,” he said.

“We warn the government to avoid such attacks in the future to keep order, otherwise, we will not be responsible if the situation in Wazir areas also goes out of control as it has in the Mehsud area,” he said at the jirga, according to eyewitnesses.

The Taliban “look very angry over the attack and if a second such attack takes place in the near future the security situation could deteriorate,” the tribal chieftain warned.

The Taliban appeared enraged over the attack, according to eyewitness accounts. There were also reports that, in retaliation, Taliban militants had attacked a paramilitary force checkpost and kidnapped some soldiers. However, there was no official confirmation that such an incident had occurred.

Posted by: Fred 2008-03-01