
US Military: Saddam Capture Results in Many Iraqi Arrests
Looks like we have a got a positive feedback loop working here. The more you catch, the more information you get, and this leads to more captures. Continue at an increasing pace, until not enough left to capture. I like it! :-)
The U.S. military’s top general says Saddam Hussein’s capture last week has led to the arrest of several hundred Iraqis, including some leaders of the anti-U.S. insurgency. In an interview with the Fox News Sunday program, General Richard Myers said Saddam’s capture gave U.S. forces information that led to a better understanding of the insurgency’s structure. The general, who heads the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, added that Saddam is not cooperating with his interrogators.

Meanwhile, the New York Times is reporting that Saddam eluded arrest for months by moving between 20 and 30 safehouses in Iraq’s Sunni Muslim heartland.

In another development, Iraq’s Oil Ministry said insurgents have attacked and damaged facilities both north and south of Baghdad, worsening the country’s already severe fuel shortage. An oil ministry spokesman says rebels hit fuel tanks south of the capital with rockets and set off a bomb that damaged a pipeline in the Mashada region to the north. Fires and leakage led to the loss of a reported 10 million liters of gasoline. Attacks on oil facilities have frustrated efforts by U.S. and Iraqi officials to rebuild Iraq’s oil industry. The shortages have led to long lines at gas stations and forced officials last week to introduce fuel rationing.
The fuel situation is a bit of worry
Posted by: phil_b 2003-12-21