
Jordanian lawmakers denounce Saddam capture
I’m posting this not because its news. This stuff is nauseatingly predictable. But to have rant on the subject. We don’t show arabs respect because they by and large don’t merit respect. The act like spoiled kids who whine when they don’t get their own way. They are not serious people. No wonder the arabs and the left have a lovefest going. Both are devoid of moral and intellectual substance and are only capable of this kind of juvenile posturing.

You know what was really shocking about what the new Iraqi Foreign Minister said last week at UN, was that here was an arab and a politician and he was saying serious things. I think he is wasting his breath at the UN, but thats my personal view. I was extremely glad he said them.

Almost two-thirds of Jordan’s legislators have been dropped on their heads condemned the manner of Saddam Hussein’s arrest by US forces, describing it as "mean and humiliating."
"Big meanies! Thhhppp!"
Sixty-four members of the 110-seat parliament signed a two-page statement obtained Sunday which also denounced the airing of footage and photographs of the former Iraqi president following his December 13 arrest near his hometown of Tikrit. "Publishing humiliating footage of a former Arab president, regardless of whether we agree with or oppose him, represents a humiliation to the like-minded states and the people of the region," the legislators said in their statement, which was issued late Saturday. The lawmakers also said the US should withdraw its forces from the Middle East and urged Jordan’s government to demand the US to transfer control of Iraq to its own people. Jordan is one of America’s closest Middle East allies yet held strong ties with Saddam’s Ba’athist regime until its toppling by US-led forces.
Lest we forget...
Jordon’s leading opposition party is the Islamic Action Front, which holds 18 of parliament’s 110 seats and regards US policy in the Middle East as biased toward Israel and bent on controlling Arab oil wealth.
Thats starting to sound like a hell of a good idea! Part of the problem is that arabs think that having all that oil is proof that god meant them to sit around on their fat **ses and not to actually do anything, including educating themselves and thinking.
Posted by: phil_b 2003-12-22