
Kos Kidz: Hillary's latest ad is RACIST!!!
Jim Geraghty, National Review

A blogger at Daily Kos contends that Hillary's recent ad "darkened" Barack Obama.

My favorite line from the blog post: "I'm not accusing Hillary of technically being a racist. But she is cynically exploiting racism to further her personal ambition, and it's part of a pattern. She's doing it to a fellow Democrat who's virtually certain to be the nominee."

The presidential campaign veteran who brought this to my attention noted, "The difference just isn’t that stark, and it’s hard to see how that would actually help her - certainly not when compared with the potential backlash. I’m not terribly familiar with video production, but I’d bet it was just made to fit the overall color pattern or perhaps came from a copy that wasn’t as good as the original. That seems more plausible... That said, had this ad come from a Republican, it would have been called transparently racist and no argument would have been allowed. While I would prefer the Left stop the race-baiting and paranoia, I’ll take some slight pleasure in the meantime watching the Democrats tripping on their own culture of paranoia and identity politics. They are hoist by their own dogwhistle."
Posted by: Mike 2008-03-04