
Return of Taliban
Pakistan’s Afghanistan policy has come in for criticism for not dealing with the Taliban with an iron hand. In the past, Pakistan considered the Taliban as an asset in view of our policy of ‘strategic depth’. That view seems to have changed partly due to the suicide attacks on President Musharraf in 2004 and a number of suicide attacks targeting the military personnel, and partly due to the US pressure of doing more on this front.

There is enough proof now to show that this is not just an Afghan problem. Its effects are spilling over into Pakistan’s border where our military troops are up against the Taliban insurgents. There is a need to re-double the efforts to improve the fast-deteriorating security situation. This can be achieved by taking both the military and economic measures, as both are inter-related, to wean away the local people from the clutches of the Taliban. The return of the Taliban poses a grave danger to both Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Posted by: Fred 2008-03-06