
Bandits force UN to halve Darfur food aid
A surge of bandit attacks has forced the UN to halve deliveries of emergency food in Sudan’s war-torn Darfur region, aid officials said on Monday. The UN’s World Food Programme (WFP) said an increase in attacks on its road delivery convoys in Darfur coincided with a cash crisis threatening to ground its air link to the region. “This is an unprecedented situation,” said the WFP’s Sudan representative Kenro Oshidari. “Our humanitarian air operation for aid workers could be forced to stop flying because we have no money, at a time when our helicopters and aircraft are needed more than ever because of high insecurity on the roads.”

The WFP said 45 contract trucks had been hijacked since the start of the year, along with six of its own passenger vehicles. Twenty-three drivers were still unaccounted for and 37 trucks were still missing, the agency added. In the latest incident, a WFP vehicle was seized outside the gates of the agency’s base in the North Darfur town of Kutum on Sunday morning. The driver escaped unharmed.

The WFP said it was delivering about half the amount of food aid it would expect at this time of year because of the hijackings and the reluctance of new drivers to come forward. Demand for food aid was about to surge in the build up to the May-October rainy season. “If WFP cannot maintain deliveries it will be forced to reduce rations in some areas,” said WFP spokeswoman Emilia Casella. Agencies are running the world’s largest aid operation in the western Sudanese region of Darfur where international experts estimate five years of conflict have killed 200,000 people and driven 2.5 million from their homes.
Posted by: Fred 2008-03-11