
Spitzer May Have Spent Tens of Thousands
ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — With pressure mounting on Gov. Eliot Spitzer to resign over a call-girl scandal, investigators said Tuesday he was clearly a repeat customer who spent tens of thousands of dollars — perhaps as much as $80,000 — with the high-priced prostitution service over an extended period of time.
Kristen is a lucky girl, huh? Next thing you know we'll be reading about how he took her on trips ...
Spitzer and his family, meanwhile, remained secluded in their Fifth Avenue apartment, while Republicans began talking impeachment, and few if any fellow Democrats came forward to defend him. A death watch of sorts began at the state Capitol, where whispers of "What have you heard?" echoed through nearly every hallway of the ornate, 109-year-old building.

On Monday, when the scandal broke, prosecutors said in court papers that Spitzer had been caught on a wiretap spending $4,300 with the Emperors Club VIP call-girl service, with some of the money going toward a night with a prostitute named Kristen, and the rest as credit toward future trysts. The papers also suggested that Spitzer had done this before.

Speaking of condition of anonymity, a law enforcement official said Tuesday that Spitzer, in fact, had spent tens of thousands of dollars with the Emperors Club. Another official said the amount could be as high as $80,000. But it was not clear over what period of time that was spent.
Going back to when he was state attorney general. Here's the number one law enforcement officer in the state cavorting with a lovely lass who's working for an 'agency' that's almost certainly mobbed up. Wonder what the Mob got in return for Kristen's favors?
emocrats privately floated another option, telling The Associated Press that Spitzer was considering what was almost unthinkable immediately after Monday's bombshell apology: hanging on. "If the public is fine, he'll stay," said a Democrat who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the subject.
Let him. Let him be the butt of jokes. Let people openly scoff and scorn him. It's better than impeachment. Let everyone blame him when his party tanks in the state elections.
Many in the financial industry had long complained that the man known as "Mr. Clean" and the "Sheriff of Wall Street" was abusive and insulting, that he went after them with holier-than-thou zeal, and that he was just trying to make headlines and advance his political career. "The irony and the hypocrisy is almost too good to be true," said Bryn Dolan, a fundraiser who works with many Wall Street employees. "If he had any shame, he would've already resigned."
We've already established the level of shame he has.

Posted by: Steve White 2008-03-12