
ElBaradei Set to Go to Libya
The head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Dr. Mohamed ElBaradei, said Monday that he will go to Libya next week to "kick start" inspections of Libya's nuclear weapons program. Dr. ElBaradei's plans follow Libya's sudden admission of its past nuclear weapons ambitions and its agreement with the United States and Britain to dismantle all its unconventional weapons programs and submit to international inspections. The moves are part of a broader initiative by the Libyan leader, Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, to rehabilitate his country's international standing. Dr. ElBaradei said the inspections would help define what actions would be needed to eliminate any nuclear weapons program. Libyan government officials confirmed to him over the weekend that Libya had been developing uranium enrichment technology to enable it to build nuclear bombs. The program included buying uranium from abroad, as well as centrifuge and conversion equipment that was used to build a small, now dismantled enrichment plant.
Seeing how Libya was doing it, perhaps the good Doctor can apply that knowledge when he heads back to Iran... Naw. That'd never work.

Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-12-24