
Pakistan sez they’ll punish anybody who sold nuke secrets to Iran
Who knows, they may even mean it ... Iran is India’s ally in the great South Asian game of things so this is a mighty dumb move on the scientists’ part, especially the fundo nuts like Abdul Qadeer.
Pakistan on Tuesday promised legal action against people found to have been involved in sharing nuclear secrets with other countries and reaffirmed its commitment to nuclear nonproliferation. Masood Khan, a spokesman for the Foreign Ministry, said at a news conference, "There were indications that certain individuals might have been motivated by personal ambition or greed." But he maintained that no final determination had been made. "If they are found responsible at the end of the debriefing session, we shall take action against such individuals if warranted and if they are found culpable under our law," he added.

On Monday, Pakistan confirmed that Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan, the developer of its atomic bomb, was being questioned in connection with news reports that the United Nations International Atomic Energy Agency was investigating links between Pakistan and Iran. Centrifuge designs used in Iran closely resemble some of those used by Pakistan. Officials in Islamabad strongly reiterated Pakistan’s commitment to uphold nuclear nonproliferation. "The government of Pakistan has not authorized or initiated any transfers of sensitive nuclear technology or information to other countries," the Foreign Ministry spokesman said. "This is out of the question."
Posted by: Dan Darling 2003-12-24