
Palestinian children collect pictures of terrorists militants like baseball cards
EFL & Buttloads of Fun
NABLUS, West Bank: Palestinian children are collecting cards showing unskilled gunmen and suckers soldiers the way American kids trade baseball cards, and some educators are concerned that the uprising hobby is helping to breed a new generation of militants.
Are these the same ‘educators’ that teach from textbooks that do not acknowledge Israel?
The cards are an enormous hit, according to Majdi Taher, who makes them. He said that 6 million cards have been sold over two years and 32,000 albums this month alone in the two main population centers of the northern West Bank - huge numbers in a territory about 1 million Palestinians live, and he plans to expand his business.
He later added that many most of the residents of the West Bank are actually featured in the cards.
The card craze reflects a delusional sense of reality in the West Bank, where three years of Palestinian-Israeli violence has become the dominant reality for children. Israeli soldiers enforce curfews to prevent terror atacks, confining terrorists residents to their homes, and often carry out security raids in towns and villages, looking for terrorists militants.

On a side note I would like to wish all posters and readers of Rantburg a merry, and blessed Christmas and a happy Hanukkah.
Posted by: Dragon Fly 2003-12-24