
The division’s 2nd Brigade Combat Team conducted simultaneous cordon-and-knock operations on nine former regime personnel, detaining five targets and 20 additional personnel. During the searches, a vehicle attempted to run a traffic control point outside a target house. Soldiers engaged the vehicle, killing the driver, and the vehicle crashed into a High Mobility Multi-Wheeled Vehicle at the control point, causing little to no damage. During another operation targeting a possible bodyguard of a high-value target, two Mosul police were wounded, one was killed, and two Iraqis were detained. The search was conducted based on information from a walk-in source. Mosul police were conducting surveillance of the target house when unknown number of enemy engaged them with small arms resulting in the casualties. When 2nd Brigade MPs arrived, they were engaged by small arms fire from an adjacent rooftop. An RPG was fired from down the street, glancing off an MP vehicle before exploding. MPs searched the target house, adjacent house, and a vehicle outside, detaining two individuals, and confiscating three Berretta assault rifles, two AK-47s, seven magazines, and a large amount of Ba’athist propaganda. There were no U.S. casualties in these operations.
Posted by: Chuck Simmins 2003-12-24