
Sudan frees Aljazeera correspondent
Sudanese security forces have released Aljazeera's correspondent Islam Salih from detention.
"Okay, Islam. You can go now."
"Can I have my teeth back?"
The reporter was arrested last Thursday after being accused of abusing the Sudanese government in his broadcasts and producing "false stories". The Aljazeera correspondent was also accused of having illegal broadcasting equipment in the satellite channel's Khartoum bureau. The equipment was later proved to be legal when the reporter's lawyer presented Sudanese officials with evidence that the equipment had been brought into the country with the correct paperwork.
That tells me they just wanted a chance to work him over...
Prior to his detention, Salih had received threats from the security forces over Aljazeera's political coverage of Sudan. Abd al-Salam al-Jizuli, Islam Salih's lawyer accused Khartoum of intefering with press freedom in the country. "Closing the Aljazeera office in Sudan comes in the context of a campaign to crack down on freedom of journalism", he said.
Uhhh... It's Sudan. Why are you surprised?

Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-12-25