
Three killed in Geha Bridge bus stop suicide bombing
EFL - At least Three people were killed and twenty wounded on Thursday after a suicide bombing at the Geha bridge on Jabotinsky street near Tel Aviv at 18:20.

Two of the victims were women, and their bodies were taken to Abu Kabir Forensic Institute.

The blast took place at a busy bus stop under the Geha Bridge - a major junction just outside Tel Aviv used by commuters to reach Tel Aviv, Petah Tikva and Bnei Brak.

A Palestinian suicide bomber, a member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) blew himself up at a bus stop under the Geha Bridge. Police have closed the area and are conducting searches. A helicopter joined the search.

Following the attack, Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz ordered the IDF to impose a full closure on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, and said he would have to reconsider the recent concessions granted to the Palestinian population.

Magen David Adom officials reported that four people were seriously injured in the blast which took place underneath the Geha Bridge.
Ticker at JPost says palestinians in Nablus are celebrating. BTW, IsraPundit has a lot of stuff on how the EU is using the palestinians as a proxy in a ’war’ with the USA. A German Green MEP has got a bee her bonnet about it.
Posted by: phil_b 2003-12-25