
Iraq crisis brainchild of western democracy
Mmmmmmm! Vitriol!
Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei on Thursday attended the graduation ceremony of Imam Ali (AS) Army Academy. The honor guards performed national anthem and the song of the Islamic Republic in the beginning of the ceremony.
"We are the marching mullahs!
We are the Persian boyz!
We do our stuff for Allah
And make a lot of noise
Then the Supreme Leader attended the monument of the martyrs to pay tribute to them. Commander-in-chief of the armed forces then reviewed the parades of the graduates of the army academy.
"I-I-I-I love a a parade!"
In his remarks to the ceremony, the Supreme Leader said there is difference in philosophy of the military might in view of the hegemonic powers and that of the Islamic culture. "In the Islamic culture, the power is in the service of humanity and the humanitarian values as well as the divine aspirations. So that the army which serve the interest of the interventionist powers and their greedy companies are preferred to be ignorant and ruthless, but, the army in the services of the lofty humanitarian aspirations are required to boost their knowledge, understanding and give preference to lofty values and popularity as well. "The army in which the soldiers enter into the battlefield in the name of God, death for the sake of the Almighty is a great pride."
... and a frequent occurrence...
In case of conflict between the army of the Islamic culture and the army in the service of hegemonic powers, victory will be on side of those who regard their death for the God's sake."
I'd go with the heavy artillery, myself...
"You see that, (Iraqi) Saddam's army, despite possession of advanced hardware, could not defend national dignity and independence of Iraq, because it had been stripped of lofty aspirations," the Supreme Leader said.
That, and the fact they they weren't really big on maintenance. And nobody liked him even though everybody voted for him. And "advanced hardware" is a relative term.
"The US army is vulnerable, because it is in the service of the hegemonic goals and greed." The Supreme Leader recommended that the faithful army should observe discipline, boost professional capability and rely upon the Almighty.
I'd work on maintenance, if I was them. God helps those who change their oil and rotate their tires.
Ayatollah Khamenei once again recalled the illegitimacy of the US military action in Afghanistan and Iraq and said that the US follows the "rule of jungle" which is another outcome of the "Western Liberal Democracy".
That's because Liberal Democracy is a Jewish plot. Everybody knows that...
The Supreme Leader said that the experience of the US unilateral action against Afghanistan and Iraq revealed the inefficiency of the United Nations to stop such action. "Those who pinned hope in the international forums have deceived themselves. Any nation should think about defense power to safeguard national dignity and independence," commander-in-chief of the armed forces said. Prior to the Supreme Leader's remarks, the Army General Commander Major General Mohammad Salimi said that the interventionist powers should know that any greed to Iran's territorial integrity is doomed thanks to preparedness of Iranian armed forces to defend the country.
But do they pull maintenance?

Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-12-25