
Perfidious Gaul Update: French Question, Release Terror Suspects
Link found via Steven Den Beste. Edited for length and content.
The French authorities say they have found little evidence of plans to use US-bound aircraft to launch attacks against US targets over Christmas. Air France services to and from Los Angeles remain suspended on Thursday because of fears of a possible repeat of the 11 September hijackings. US security said earlier that a number of suspicious people were planning to board Air France planes. But French officials said seven men had been freed after questioning. A spokesman for the Interior Ministry said the men - one French, one American and several Algerians - had been briefly questioned late on Wednesday.
Read the whole thing, and SDB’s comments. I’m speechless. I almost put this in Fifth Column...

If a couple Air France planes demolish a bowl game or two, and the Frenchies have pooh-poohed warnings like these, Americans are going to be a lot less happy with them than they were when the NY Post was putting weasel pictures on Page 1.

Posted by: Phil Fraering 2003-12-26