
Hamas martyrs in mysterious explosion
Fadi Elwan Beni Odeh, 20, one of the Hamas Movement activists in the village of Tamon in the West Bank district of Jenin, last night martyred in a mysterious car explosion at the Ras Al-Ein suburb in Nablus.
Another one? I'm so happy!
The powerful explosion at 10.30 pm yesterday was heard all over the city. Ambulance cars and firefighters rushed to the scene only to find the martyr’s charred body thrown three meters away from the car. Identification of the body was delayed due to its severe mutilation as his limbs and head were cut off.
Boom belt went off prematurely. Dontcha hate it when that happens?
The Ford car was totally burnt and electricity cut off in the entire area, which complicated the search for possible other victims or other explosive devices on the scene. There were rumors that the body of another martyr was found in the same area but medical sources later denied the report.
"Nope. He had three lips, that's all..."
Zionist military sources denied any involvement in the incident, claiming that it was the result of the untimely blast of an explosive device carried by the martyr on his way to launch an attack on Zionist targets. The martyr was on the run for the past few months after the Zionist occupation authorities charged him of involvement in shooting incidents at Zionist targets.
I thought this was another work accident, but it's the same one we reported yesterday — it's that transliteration problem. Al-Jizz carried his name as Ilwam Beniawdi, which is you can see is very close to Fadi Elwan Beni Odeh... This adds a bit of juicy detail, though.

Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-12-26