
Thanks from Sgt Mom...
Fred, could you post a personal note from me, thanking Sea and everyone at Rantburg so much (brief sniffle and swipe at tears) for post on Sunday about the loss of my good friend and boss on Saturday?

It was an absolutely ghastly day, and will probably go on being on the ghastly side, because I will have to cope with his family and friends who know that I was the one to find him and want all the details. Not morbid, I think - but they really want to be assured that dying wasn't so awful for him. I expect that I will have to repeat several hundred times more that he really looked very peaceful (which he did) and that it probably happened in the middle of the night... and that no, I am not horrifically traumatized by the experience of discovering him dead.

Possibly I have been hanging out with the 19th century Americans enough to become acclimated to certain realities.

But I do want to thank you all - because of this, I can help his family sort out what to do next, without freaking about about my own financial situation.

Sgt Mom

Posted by: Fred 2008-03-18