
The Leader of the Army of Steve -- Aug through Christmas happenings
This is a lengthy read. Almost all the daily happenings, including the capture of Suddam. Really lets us know, what these guys are up against over there.

1st Battalion, 22nd Infantry, Tikrit Iraq – December 25th 2003
‘Regulars, By God!’ ‘Deeds, not Words.’
LTC Steven D. Russell

Merry Christmas.

A chill is in the air now—mixed with the pall of wood smoke hanging over the city. Occasional rains attempt to cleanse the dusty, filthy environment without success. We were once bathed from head to toe with sweat, but now cover ourselves with items to keep warm or dry. The temperatures here have cooled, but the situation seems to change as often as the weather. The environment in Tikrit at this writing is simmering—not a boil, but simmering.

How do we sum the events of the last several months since I last wrote? How do we convey the elation of success and the grief of loss? We may never be able to do so for those that are not here. I will try to capture in a small sense our operations since August 24th, so forgive me for the very long letter. I write a little each day from notes but have not been able to catch up as we have necessarily been very busy. Since today is Christmas, I wanted to take advantage of the break.

Take the time to read it! (After the football games, of course)

Posted by: Sherry 2003-12-27