
Military suicides highest in Russian army
MOSCOW - The Russian army loses more soldiers to suicide than any other major armed force in the world, the Gazeta newspaper reported on Tuesday, citing an internal defence ministry document.
You mean it isn't the pitied American solider who joined to escape grinding poverty in rural America and now is remorseful over being suckered into an unwinnable war by Chimpy MacHitler and Halliburton? Say it ain't so!
Four hundred and forty two soldiers died in non-combat situations in 2007, said the newspaper. Two hundred and twenty four of the non-combat deaths were suicides among draftees.

By comparison, 155 committed suicide in the US army in 2006, the paper reported, one and half times less than the Russian army the following year. The Russian army has around 1.1 million soldiers compared to 1.4 million in the US army.

The Russian army has an atrocious reputation for hazing. One human rights group estimated that half of the suicides in the army were due to brutal bullying by older soldiers. Injuries are also common, the paper reported. In January alone, 1,500 soldiers were seriously wounded in non-combat accidents. Twenty four thousand soldiers suffered serious wounds in 2007, the paper reported.

Accidents listed in the document include road accidents, mishandling of firearms and arguments between soldiers.
Posted by: Steve White 2008-03-19