
UN Peacekeepers to deploy in Liberian rebel zones
United Nations peacekeepers in Liberia have deployed to a rebel-held area for the first time since arriving in the country several months ago. A contingent of Pakistani troops arrived Saturday in the strategic town of Klay about 35 kilometers north of the capital, Monrovia. The town is controlled by the country’s main rebel group, Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy (LURD). A group of rebels sang songs and shook hands with the peacekeepers as they deployed. Many said they were tired of war.
Then they broke out the liquor and the Paks came down with the vapors...
The U.N.’s top peacekeeping commander, General Daniel Opande, then continued on to the nearby rebel stronghold of Tubmanburg. He said peacekeepers would soon move units to that town as well. Saturday’s deployment comes two days after the rebels blocked peacekeepers from entering their territory, saying they were not informed about their arrival. The dispute was resolved after a meeting Friday between the rebels and U.N. officials. Disarming some 40,000 fighters is seen as key to ending the civil war. While thousands of fighters loyal to former Liberian President Charles Taylor have surrendered their weapons, the rebels have yet to start disarming.
Posted by: Dan Darling 2003-12-28