
JI wants to take over northern Australia
OCCUPATION of Australia’s Top End is a key goal of terror organisation Jemaah Islamiyah, a leading London-based academic has claimed.
Well, sure. It's one of those historically Muslim areas that the infidels moved in and took over, and now they're oppressing the original inhabitants...
Anthony Paul, from the International Institute for Strategic Studies, said the al-Qaida-backed terror organisation wanted to incorporate northern Australia into a Muslim state that would also include South-East Asia.

Writing in the respected Malaysian-based New Straits Times, Mr Paul said north Australia was part of Jemaah Islamiyah’s plans for regional domination. Mr Paul compared JI’s strategy to export global revolution with the former Soviet Union’s expansionary plans. "Instead of a world dominated by communist nation states, al-Qaida’s vision is of a vast new Islamic nation — a single caliphate (Muslim state) stretching from southern Spain to the Philippines. "Jemaah Islamiyah promotes a more localised manifestation of the same dream — a caliphate for South-East Asia and northern Australia."

Mr Paul described last year’s Bali bombing as a "satanic act".
Assuming "satanic" is a synonym for "grossly stupid"...
"But Westerners are obliged to confront the fact that in-your-face cosmopolitanism, especially at a seaside resort area like Bali is utterly unacceptable to a large percentage of the rubes hicks population (in Indonesia)."

The NT Government yesterday called for the Federal Government to maintain a steady security focus in northern Australia. "From our point of view the Federal Government needs to keep a firm focus on northern Australia because of its location," a spokesman said. "It can’t just think of capital cities to the south, because we’re close to the major population centres of the north."

Solomon MHR David Tollner said: "The Federal Government’s focus is very much to the north and it has shown a commitment to maintaining sound relations with our near neighbours."

Assuming there's actually any thought behind this ambition to grab off a part of Australia, I'd guess the Bad Guys would want to encourage the emigration of lots of quick breeders with turbans from Indonesia and the Moro parts of Philippines. The danger is that Australia, as a land of beer, babes and generally pleasant living, will claim a certain number of the immigrants as its own — it being more fun to be Australian than it is to be a member of the Ummah. As insidious conspiracies go, I'd rate this around a 1.5...

Posted by: Dan Darling 2003-12-28