
From the time is not on some people’s side file
From Debka and cut from a longer article
Middle Eastern sources report that Assad complained bitterly that his attempts to persuade Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon to join him for peace talks had run into a blank wall.

”He doesn’t even bother to answer me,” Assad lamented. “I sent him at least three messages recently and he says nothing. I even offered to accept a return to the June 4, 1967 lines and drop any demand for a mutual reduction of forces. I said we could separate the Palestinian issue from the Syrian-Israel process and leave it out altogether. What else can I offer the man?” Assad asked.
Welcome to the real world! Just because a deal was on offer last year doesn’t mean its still on offer. In case you hadn’t notice some things have changed.
Our sources report that Mubarak simply held out his hands and told Assad, welcome to the club.

”I don’t know what to tell you. I sent my foreign minister to Jerusalem and even agreed to leave Arafat out of the visit. I indicated to Sharon that I endorse your proposition of bilateral talks without involving the Palestinian problem. But he made no response to Maher. The man simply says nothing.”

DEBKAfile’s political sources call Sharon the silent man. Even when vice premier Ehud Olmert practically boasts of the prime minister’s support for his own sweeping West Bank withdrawal plan, Sharon neither confirms nor gainsays the assertion.
I love this! Sharon has figured out that time is on the Israeli side. Just wait a while longer and see what happens. Of course Assad and to a lesser extent Mubarack have figured out that time is not on their side. So they get more desperate to make a deal.
Posted by: 2003-12-28