
Hate speech double standard for our domestic commies
What was true in 1994 remains largely true today. MSNBC fired right-wing talk host Michael Savage in July, and rightly so, when he told a gay caller to "get AIDS and die, you pig." The liberal Nina Totenberg, on the other hand, suffered no ill effects for saying, during the flap over General Jerry Boykin’s views of Islam and the war on terrorism, "I hope he’s not long for this world." When the startled host asked if she were "putting a hit out on this guy," Totenberg backtracked and said she only wanted to see him expire "in his job."
Well, Nina, I hope you live to be a ripe old age, girl, and I hope you keeping shooting your mouth off because 1) We know where you are and 2) We can use you as an example to pull the rest of the country to the right.
But this isn’t the first time the NPR diva has publicly wished death on a conservative. "I think he ought to be worried about what’s going on in the Good Lord’s mind," she said of Senator Jesse Helms in 1995, "because if there is retributive justice, he’ll get AIDS from a transfusion, or one of his grandchildren will."
She probably yells at herself at home for not being old enough to have attended the 1942 Wansee Conference. Oopsies! Did I say Totenberg is a Nazi? I didn’t mean it... Honest.
Such venom should be beyond the pale. But too many liberals would still rather dismiss conservative ideas with an ugly slur than actually grapple with them on the merits. Debating the pros and cons of racial preferences or US foreign policy can be difficult; much easier to simply hiss "Racist!" or "Nazi!" or some equally poisonous insult. "What you have now" — this is left-wing activist and actress Janeane Garofalo, analyzing the Republican Party during an appearance at the 92d Street Y in New York this year — "is people that are closet racists, misogynists, homophobes, and people who love . . . the politics of exclusion identifying as conservative." That was apparently enough to win her a guest-host slot on CNN’s "Crossfire," where she offered this thoughtful critique of the Patriot Act: "It is in fact a conspiracy of the 43d Reich."
I have another name for Miss Garafalo: Miss Anthrope. Queen of the misanthropes, heterophobes and, to use her quote: the politics of exclusion identifying ’as liberal’
Ah, yes, the reductio ad Hitlerum. Why meet a conservative with facts or logic when you can simply tar him with the Nazi brush? Thus we had Nancy Giles on the "CBS Sunday Morning show" sourly tying Rush Limbaugh’s "edgy" radio manner to you-know-who’s. "Hitler would have killed in talk radio," Giles declared. "He was edgy, too." Ellen Gray of the Philadelphia Daily News struck a similar note in commenting on "The Reagans," the canceled miniseries. "If Hitler had more friends," she told The Washington Post, "CBS wouldn’t have aired [its Hitler miniseries] either."
It is truly incredible the abject ignorance people who pose as professional journalists display in public. This broad has no convincing argument against CBS’ decision to pull this Reagan fiction series from commercially supported TV, except Hitler would have had another series pulled. Hitler would have had your throat, Miss Gray, slashed without so much as flinching. I wonder where she says she was educated, because the facts HAD to have come out of her ass.

Read the whole thing.

Posted by: badanov 2003-12-28