
Taiwan votes for new president
TAIPEI - Taiwan went to the polls to vote for a new president Saturday in an election expected to turn on the slowing economy and hopes their new leader will mend damaged relations with China. Harvard-educated Ma Ying-jeou of the opposition Kuomintang is seen as the favourite against pro-independence ruling party chief Frank Hsieh.

While China’s military crackdown in Tibet has allowed Hsieh to attack Ma’s calls for an economic common market and peace treaty with China, analysts do not expect him to bridge the gap.

Polling stations opened under grey skies and visibly tightened security at 8:00am (0000 GMT) and were to close at 4:00pm. Official results were expected within hours.

Taiwan’s 17.3 million voters were also being asked Saturday to vote on two rival referendums on joining the United Nations, although neither is expected to reach the required turnout threshold.
Posted by: Steve White 2008-03-22