
Hamas opposes return of PNA security forces to Gaza
(Xinhua) -- An Islamic Hamas spokesman said Sunday that his movement opposes the return of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) security forces to the Gaza Strip, which Hamas has been ruling since last June. Sami Abu Zuhri, the spokesman, told reporters in Gaza that Hamas movement "would never accept, in any case, the return of the former corrupted security forces to the Gaza Strip again."

Yemen and Egypt have been exerting efforts over the past few months to bring the two rival movements back to the dialogue table. Yemen is now discussing an initiative of reconciliation between the two movements. "We accepted the Yemeni initiative for the sake of dialogue. Hamas is ready for dialogue, and it has the will for that. Hamas is strong, in spite of the attempts to weaken and break the movement," said Abu Zuhri.
I'm probably wrong, but I thought the purpose of "dialogue" was to work out "actions" acceptable to both sides?
Since Wednesday, delegations from Fatah and Hamas have been engaged in dialogue in Yemen in an attempt to resolve an internal Palestinian conflict that reached its peak in June 2007, when Hamas routed Fatah and took over Gaza. Asked about an unannounced truce between Hamas and Israel, Abu Zuhri said "there is no calm with the occupation (Israel). Hamas has its own weapon and can use it whenever it wants according to the interests of the Palestinian people."
Posted by: Fred 2008-03-24