
Hillah Guerilla Update - US Special Forces vs. 'Special Groups'
Iraqi Security Forces, U.S. Special Forces engage criminal elements in Hillah, al-Kut

BALAD, Iraq – Hillah’s Iraqi Special Weapons and Tactics unit, advised by U.S. Special Forces, engaged Special Groups criminals in Hillah, killing 14 and wounding 20 March 26.
These seem to be the same guys that were hiding in the mosque.
It's been a while since I've seen 'Special Groups' explicitly mentioned in an MNF release. I was - and still am - wondering what's the story behind that absence. For a month we had seen an average of one Special Groups defeat per day, then nothing.

Criminals armed with AK-47 assault rifles, rocket propelled grenades and automatic machine guns attacked two companies of Hillah SWAT as they were securing a road intersection. As a firefight developed, a U.S. Special Forces team arrived and, fighting alongside SWAT, began engaging the armed individuals.
Maaa! No Fair!

The criminal group broke contact after delivering intense RPG and automatic weapons fire, and was seen by an Air Weapons Team regrouping in three groups of 20 to 30 men near a mosque.

The AWT, from 3rd Squadron, 17th Cavalry Regiment, 3rd Combat Aviation Brigade, reported the armed individuals were maneuvering back toward SWAT and the U.S. SF team, and, due to the hostile intent of the act, engaged the threat from the air.

One Hellfire missile was fired, killing five.

After the strike, the AWT reported the remaining group of individuals dispersed and were no longer a threat.

Nine Hillah SWAT team members were killed during the firefight.
Sounds like they were in combat against something more than 'ordinary criminals'. I hope Allan is merciful.

Two additional SWAT team members were injured and treated by a U.S. SF medic.

Also March 26 in Al Kut, an Iraqi Special Weapons and Tactics unit advised by U.S. SF conducted a combined presence patrol to counter recent violence in the area.

The patrol took small-arms and RPG fire in the Old Izza and Karamiyah districts.

Both times, the patrol returned fire suppressing the enemy fighters.

As the patrol left the Old Izza and Karamiyah districts, they linked up with Iraqi Police and 8th Division Iraqi Army Scouts.

The group then patrolled the Sharkiyah district, also receiving small-arms fire from a vehicle with four armed individuals.

The patrol engaged the vehicle, killing two individuals.

After eliminating the threat in the area, the patrol departed for the Al Kut SWAT headquarters and was attacked by an improvised explosive device. One vehicle was damaged, but the attacks resulted in no injuries.

The Al Kut patrol killed 11 enemy fighters.
Posted by: Menhadden Snogum6713 2008-03-28